Easy to add a product With Shoptico it's super easy to add new products.
Don't waste time - click, add, and start selling right away!

Easy to add a product With Shoptico it's super easy to add new products.
Don't waste time - click, add, and start selling right away!

Products in multiple languages

Products in multiple languages

You can add your products in multiple languages to sell in different countries.

Clone products

Clone products

If you need to add several similar products, you can clone a product and its information to save time.

  • ProductsProducts
  • OrdersOrders
  • CustomersCustomers
  • SettingsSettings
Switch store

Flexible product options Create products with a variety of options - different colours, sizes and more.

  • S
  • M
  • L
  • XL
  • This will show the properties in the public store
  • This will show their possible values
Flexible product options

Flexible product options Create products with a variety of options - different colours, sizes and more.

Multiple variants

Multiple variants

Add multiple variants to your products to give your customers a variety.

Colours, sizes etc.

Colours, sizes etc.

Add multiple options to each product variant - colour, size, materials and more.

Product characteristics

Product characteristics

You can add additional product features for specific product groups or each one individually.

Sell physical or digital products You can sell different types of products - physical, digital, or both together on the same platform

Sell physical or digital products You can sell different types of products - physical, digital, or both together on the same platform

Sell physical products

Physical products

Select physical if customers will receive it by delivery (for example, clothes, phones, groceries).

Sell digital products

Digital products

Select digital if customers must download the item in order to receive it (for example, an ebook or other files).

Coming Soon
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Manage with ease Small features that will make managing products easier.

Manage with ease Small features that will make managing products easier.

Filters and search

Filters and search

You can search for products with ease and save filters you will need for frequent use.

Flexible tables

Flexible tables

You can move, hide, and show columns in tables.

Product statistics

Product statistics

You can see statistics for each product in real-time - for example, sales, revenue and profit.